2 days after the water was turned back on and functioning i'm informed that i'll be watching my brother's vocal and adorable 8yr old and his umm... 13yr old step son. mmmm k. after a weekend of smoothies, ice cream kiddie park, dress up, birthday shopping, some mochas for me, lady gaga video censorship, incredible pizza (which um isn't) rides and games all while trying to sell cars; exhausted isn't quite the word...
when i was asked by the youngster, "why don't you have kids?" dollar signs, pta meetings, grey hairs, minivans and more "incredible" pizza pirouetted across the backplash of my mental kitchen, (my kitchen with running water.) yet, i found these reasons all fairly superficial. i had no solid answer a child should hear or understand cocked and loaded. I had no way of mildly relating my lack of faith in our government or education system in order to explain why i felt reproducing would ultimately be setting a child up for despair in a failing society. but then again... what if sarah connor chose not to have john? then where would we be???
faint sound of ticking in the background, is that a clock?